I was out on a date last night with a guy whom I'd briefly spoken with long, long time ago...
I couldn't believe last night, that I was sitting in a coffee shop with someone who could only remember meeting me by the word "ethnic cleansing" ("you're from that country, with ethnic cleansing stuff, right?")
I ordered hot chocolate, he ordered Canadian [beer]. Soon after, the waitress came back, expecting us to order food, but I opted for a fruit salad instead...Poor Jamie B. from NB ordered a bowl of brownies and ice cream, only because I'd done it.
Coming back from this failure of a date, I became convinced once again that I am single because I am picky - penso, igitur solus sum.
In other news [exceprt from an e-mail to a close friend]:
I'm in the middle of preparing an outline that will contain the summary of my 40-plus page-essay in one single page...I'm not good in summarizing, so this is proving to be a chalenge,....
I gave up 2/3 of my hours at the ANC, so i'm hoping that will help me concentrate more on class, though there are so many things that are keeping my mind away from classwork...
My brother called twice today...He usually does this to politely check if there is a way for one of us to help him by sending him some sort of a remittance. ...As time passes, I only worry more that his arrival in Canada won't happen and that somewhere down the road, someone will change his/her mind about it all and cancel my brother's application...thoughts are roaming in my mind and I know that they shouldn't, but somehow, i can't censor them...Kadare would have laughed and felt wonderful about just having gotten enough material to write a new novel.
I feel like a dying giant who, with the grasp of his final bits of energy, is trying to stand up...I don't know why that analogy is appealing to me, but somehow, I do feel like i've fallen down and am having difficulty standing up...it must be Kadare! I should blame Kadare for everything wrong. :) Hoxha did/some Albanians today do.
I received a call a couple of weeks ago from a man who just moved here from Kingston. He came here from Prishtina in 1999 with his family, did his Master's in Engineering after proving to the university that he had worked in the power facility in Obilic until late 1998. He is now working on the Harbour clean-up project...I have yet to go out and chat with him, but he sounds lonely on the phone. His family is in Kingston, apparently, waiting for summer before they can move here. He, in the meantime, is looking for a used car to buy...I didn't really know where to send him for that....He asked about the other Kosovar family in town...I told him I'd check with them.
A good friend's father passed away Monday...it must be the sadness that his death brought that has affected me. I've been thinking what I'll do if my father dies, and I'm not there during his last minutes...It is sad to know that he will die without us having a chance to talk about the past...any effort of the sort would end in complete failure...It's also sad and slightly ironic that I'm wanting to study diplomacy when I couldn't resolve conflict between my father and the rest of my family...I may be being harsh, but it is something that is and has been part of me for so long.
Labels: date, Friday, Kosova, Kosovo, men, men problems, problems, sad